On October 8, 2010 at 12:51 Riley Rene Sipe was born into the world. She weighed 6lb 9oz and was 18 1/2" long. She is perfect in every way and as healthy as we could ever ask for. The delivery went very well. We had to be at the hospital at 7:30 for the induction. Things progressed well. I got my pitocin and then my epidural and it was time to push before we knew it. Three pushes and she was out! It was my easiest delivery yet. We are so excited to have her here with us. Everyone seems to be taking to her well. Brayden loves her to death and always wants to hold her and Carter is slowly warming up to her. She is starting get more and more interested in her. Life as a family of 5 is great so far. More to come soon!
Well, we have made it to 38 weeks! Riley must have gotten comfortable in there b/c we thought she would have come on her own by now but glad that she decided to stay for a while. Now she will hopefully be healthy and happy when she arrives! I have been extremely uncomfortable for the last 2 weeks or so. I think she has run out of room in there. It looks like my doctor has decided that if miss Riley has not graced the world with her presence by this coming Friday she will induce me that day. So one way or another we should have a baby by Friday. We are all getting very excited and can't wait to meet little Riley! Brayden seems to be excited about seeing and holding her. Carter has no clue what's about to happen obviously and we are a little worried about how she will do with all of it but hoping she will be a trooper and everything will be fine. Damon and I are just trying to make sure that everything is ready for our new addition and that Carter and Brayden understand to the best of their ability and know that they are loved! Looking forward to expanding the Sipe household and all the craziness and chaos that will come along with it!